Do you want to become a badass powerhouse who can lift heavy and crush goals like it’s nobody’s business? Well, you’ve come to the right place! Are you tired of spinning your wheels at the gym and not seeing the results you want? Perhaps you’re already running through a Powerlifting programme and feeling a bit bored and unmotivated?


We’re all about helping you unleash your inner beast mode and become the strongest, most confident version of yourself through Powerlifting. We believe that lifting weights and powerlifting isn’t just about building muscle and getting jacked (although that’s a nice bonus!). It’s also about gaining mental and physical strength that translates to all areas of your life.

Our powerlifting programming includes personalised powerlifting training plans, tailored nutrition coaching (if you choose this option), and regular check-ins to track your progress and make necessary adjustments. We prioritise injury prevention, proper form, and recovery to ensure that you can push yourself to new levels without sacrificing your long-term health and wellbeing.

Our online powerlifting coaching is tailored to each individual’s unique needs and goals, taking into account your starting point, preferences, and any limitations or injuries. Whether you’re an experienced powerlifter or just starting out, our powerlifting coaching team is here to support you and help you progress towards your strength and fitness goals.

Our expert powerlifting coaches are here to help you unleash your full potential and become the strongest, fittest version of yourself. Whether you’re a seasoned powerlifter or a beginner looking to build strength and confidence, we have a powerlifting coaching program that’s right for you. Trust us, your newfound strength and confidence will be the envy of all your friends.